Master Trainers are key pillars of SIYB programme that revise, adapt and modify SIYB materials while maintaining the international standards. SIYB Association of Sri Lanka successfully conducted a Master Trainer Competency Reinforcement Workshop from 20th to 23rd June 2019 at Hotel Dampe village with the participation of 25 Master Trainers.

Master Trainers were capacitated and upgraded their knowledge and competency about the following subjects ;

  • Introduction of the revised SIYB manuals
  • Introduction to the revised Trainer Guide and Session plans
  • Introduction to the SIYB Business Planning Tool Kit (Electronic)
  • Designing the Competency Reinforcement Workshop for SIYB Trainers

Thank you for all the Master Trainers who attended this workshop and made their contribution to make the event success.

Congratulations for all SIYB Master Trainers!!

siyb trining